Foundations of Digital Games 2010
Panels and Demonstrations
Foundations of Digital Games 2010
Panels and Demonstrations
© Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games
Before It’s Too Late: The Preservation of Digital Games
Monday, June 21, 11:15am - 12:00pm.
Andrew Phelps, Rochester Institute of Technology; John Romero, Gazillion Entertainment; Matthew Kirschenbaum, University of Maryland; Henry Lowood, Stanford University
In a manner similar to the early film, radio, and television industries, thus far the game industry has not fully embraced the possibility that their creations will hold value and meaning years into the future. As a result, neither industry nor academia have embraced the need for archival and preservation processes as part of the natural development life‐cycle of digital games; if this lack of attention continues, future generations will not be able to explore the cultures, technologies, and content of early digital game history. The primary objective of this panel is to reflect upon and engage participants in a wide‐ranging discussion of the needs for preservation activities, particularly as part of the development and maintenance process, rather than just as a post‐deployment activity.
Developers with Opinions
Sunday, June 20, 2:30pm - 3:15pm
Jon Blow, Number None; Chris Hecker, Independent (formerly of EA Maxis / Spore); Rod Humble, EVP, Electronic Arts Play
Three developer luminaries answer your questions about them, the industry, research, or anything else. Registered FDG attendees will have a chance to submit questions, provocations, barbs, or barnacles beforehand, and the panel will choose the questions that will spur conversation among them, adding topics as they see fit.
Gaming Friendship: Social Network Sites as Fields of Play
Saturday, June 19, 5:15pm - 6:00pm
Liz Losh, UC Irvine; Frank Lantz, Area/Code and New York University; TL Taylor, IT University Copenhagen; Brenda Brathwaite, Slide
This panel looks at Facebook games both on their own terms and in comparison with casual games, MMOs, ARGs, and games on Twitter. Panelists discuss how games on social network sites such as Facebook are designed to encourage the monitoring of friends and acquaintances, manage the timing of social exchanges, and graph and calculate social relationships to maximize player advantage. Thus, such games reformulate existing social‐ludic networks and build on unexpected overlaps between digital life and material life, but they also serve constraining corporate interests in the “membership economy” model.
Good, Bad, or just plain Ugly? Morality and Heavy Rain
Sunday, June 20, 5:15pm - 6:00pm
Colleen Macklin, Parsons The New School for Design; Karen Schrier, Columbia University; Jose P. Zagal, DePaul University
Can we claim that games can portray complex moral situations as other forms of art have done? This panel discussion will feature gameplay demonstrations, thoughtful analysis, and a heated discussion of the ethical issues observed in the PS3 game "Heavy Rain".
White Cubes, Show Floors and Dance Parties: The Curation and Exhibition of Games
Sunday, June 20, 2:30pm - 3:15pm
Simon Carless, Chairman, Independent Games Festival, Global Brand Director, UBM Techweb Game Network; Richard Reinhart, Digital Media Director & Adjunct Curator, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive; Sam Roberts, Director, IndieCade International Festival, Cofounder, Codename; John Sharp, Professor, Savannah College of Art and Design‐Atlanta, co‐organizer of the Art History of Games
Games present significant challenges as a cultural form suitable for curation and exhibition—they resist many of the constraints and assumptions of traditional art display, and are often at odds with the traditional passive consumption of art exhibition attendance. And yet the curation and exhibition of games has become commonplace in both the art world and within the game conference and festival circuits. This panel will examine the successes, challenges and future of games curation and exhibition by bringing together key players in the field. The panelists will consider the traditions of gallery and museum display, the expectations and experiences afforded attendees, the processes of curation, the concerns of exhibition design and the role and purpose of games exhibition in the broader culture.
June 19, Saturday, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Double Dribble: Embodied, Mobile Learning
Gabriel Adauto and Jacob Klein
BeadLoom Game
Acey Boyce and Tiffany Barnes
TrackFX: Game, Database, and Mental Disability
Cecil Brown, Faraz Farzin, Eric Kaltman, Greg Niemeyer, Susan Rivera and Kimiko Ryokai
Kodu AI Lab
Teale Fristoe and Noah Wardrip‐Fruin
The Pataphysic Institute
Mirjam P Eladhari
Ian Horswill
Lakitu: Runtime Repair of Game Faults using Event‐Driven Monitoring
Chris Lewis and Jim Whitehead
The Prom: an example of socially‐oriented gameplay
Josh McCoy, Mike Treanor, Ben Samuel, Brandon Tearse, Michael Mateas and Noah Wardrip‐Fruin
Jakob Berglund Rogert
Louisa Rosenheck
Crystal Island: A Demonstration of a Narrative‐Centered Learning Environment for Middle School Microbiology
Jonathan P. Rowe, Lucy R. Shores, Bradford W. Mott and James C. Lester
Playing with Words: From intuition to evaluation of game dialogue interfaces
Serdar Sali
Ruben Smelik, Tim Tutenel, Klaas Jan de Kraker and Rafael Bidarra
Story Canvas: A Tool for Authoring Interactive Storyboards
James Skorupski and Michael Mateas
Variations Forever: A Game of Exploring Game Design Spaces
Adam M. Smith and Michael Mateas
Tanagra: A Mixed‐Initiative Level Design Tool
Gillian Smith, Jim Whitehead and Michael Mateas
Adventures Aboard the S.S.Grin: An Intelligent Social Tutoring System Demonstration
Jim Thomas and Melissa DeRosier