Foundations of Digital Games 2010



FDG participants should register for the conference and lodging separately.

Conference registration:

Early bird registration deadline: April 9, 2010

You may register for the conference (and, optionally, a workshop), online using eventbright (click here to register).

Accommodation and Meals:

Conference participants must also register with Asilomar, the conference venue, by faxing the appropriate form to 831-642-4262 by April 17.

  1. Participants are encouraged to stay on site using the registration form: FDG-FoodAndRoom-form.pdf, which covers both meals and lodging.

  2. Those wishing to stay off site must still register for meals using the off-site form: FDG-FoodOnly-form.pdf.  However, please note that alternative accommodations may be difficult to find because of the US Open.

Note: Participants should arrive the afternoon or evening of the 17th for the workshops, and the afternoon or evening of the 18th for the main conference. The conference will end at noon on June 21 (lunch included).